28 April 2005

summer getaway part 2

We'll be going to Romblon tomorrow, yay! So this blog will be inactive for a week or maybe more. But I do promise lots of pictures when I get back, like the glorious beaches, sunrise/sunset, and the hellipad (tama ba spelling ko? haha) in Bachawan. A number of friends asked for pasalubong, and I'm thinking of what to get them--- maybe lotsa marble goodies? Nyahaha :)

And here are some pics of my UST friends that are way, way overdue. Those were taken during the first weeks of May, I think. However, the digicam acted up on me. So here it is:

I had so much fun that day! :)

I remember that when I saw them again, I suddenly missed my CFAD uniform wherein I could sit wherever and however I wanted to, and back in my scruffy days, wherein I could wear all the punk and ethnic abubots one could imagine. The days of my life as a Fine Arts student. I think I'm still a Fine Arts student by heart, although technically I'm in a different course. I mean, I could never un-learn my (rather poor I must say haha) drafting skills, or my fondness for bristol boards, or my tendency to measure everything (even curves and ellipses and circles) when I'm doing even just a simple illustration. I simply can't. And my emotional attachment to heart-wrenching poetry? I owe it all to my friends over there who write (or ask me to write for them) simple poems scribbled on notebook paper which would perfectly describe what they're going through at the moment. And for some odd reason, our poems, though utterly plain in words, always hit home.

26 April 2005


A big warm hug for all of my friends and classmates whom I was able to contact again after a number of years. And thank you for letting me link you in here, hee-hee. I miss you all, especially my IV-1 classmates. I seriously think we should have some sort of reunion! :)

I'm crossing my fingers that Mommy and Daddy will allow Kate and I to go Romblon a few days earlier than the supposed plan. Yen will be leaving on Friday, and she said that we could go with her (yay!). I really want to get there before Tuesday so we'd have time to go to the Paroyhog beach (white sand too... beat that, hee-hee). And meet up with some people. And see the traitors who turned against my uncle last elections (muahaha).

Mommy and Daddy; Me with Imman and Kate at Lake Villa Resort

Just wanted to put in some new pictures of my family. As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm still a little girl when it comes to my parents and I still enjoy going out with them. And I adore them, my parents and my brother and my sister. And I'm terribly happy that I get to spend sooo much time with them these days (we eat out almost every night) because school's out. Hee-hee. What can I say? I'm simply blessed with a wonderful family :)

23 April 2005

of lies and earthquakes

And it just so happened that this person I know is desperately messed up in the head. Not in a mentally-challenged-and-sort-of-abnormal way. Just freakishly untruthful, like telling you tales which are so, well, untruthful, I might as well ask her:
Do you think I'm frickin' stupid?
Anyway I don't know what prompted me to think about her and write about her as well. Haven't seen her in a while.

What a big chunk of baloney that earthquake prediction was. We were actually in Baguio at that time (Thursday night), the last night for the camp, and Hannee told me that people in Manila are convulsing in fear of some earthquake that would hit the city at around 4am, Friday morning. Intensity 9 at that. Oh lordy, I must sit still until the wee hours of the morning and wait till the ground starts shaking so I could run for cover under the, ah... pine trees? Oh shoot, I'm in Baguio mehn, I'm never gonna make it. And tears threaten to fall...

Not. Hee-hee. I was not about to abandon the big warm bonfire they prepared for us there for our last night. And if the ground's gonna swallow you anyway, might as well have roasted marshmallows with you. But we didn't have roasted marshmallows there. I was just saying that to make it sound like your typical cool bonfire (no pun intended). What we had was a handkerchief that started the agawang-panyo. Ah, I remember the good ol' days when I played langit-lupa and luksong-tinik with all my heart. Anyway, it's always good to be silly sometimes and give in to your childish side, and I enjoyed everything that night. Especially the people we were with :)

We eventually headed for the girls' dorm and plopped down on the bed (believe me, I'm making it sound inviting and cushy and nice, but it's sooo far from that--- people who've been there will know why haha). And it's a triple deck--- where else can you find that?

And it dawned on me: the INTENSITY 9 superdooperschizzleschmizzle earthquake will hit Manila in an hour or so! And who knows, maybe it'll damage the lowlands so hard that Baguio will become one gigantic landslide catastrophe! I thought about it so hard...

And I fell asleep. Oh well, the superdooperschizzleschmizzle earthquake will have to wait. My beauty rest beckons :)

21 April 2005

mad rush

It seems like I've been in a rush the past few days, but I don't really get anywhere. And I miss everyone. I know, I know, I've said that a million times before, but I don't see why I cant say it again now, considering I really do miss everyone. Hee-hee.

After the Baguio camp, I thought about a lot of things, mostly about my life, where I am right now and where I'm headed. And I realized I was clueless, stuck before chances I refused to take and decisions I was hesitant to make. Thankfully it has given me the revival I desperately needed.

Anyway summer still has a few weeks left, and I'm not one to be left in the city. There are numerous plans to hit the beach (or pools haha), and I'm crossing my fingers that they all push through. And we're going to Romblon in a week or two, I think, but only for just a few days. Mommy's going to cater for an event in San Agustin. I hope we can at least take pictures of the wonderful waters and views there. It may not be the next Boracay, but Romblon has a lot to offer--- like amazing motorcycle rides by the cliff, friendly people, and nice woven bags. Oh, and marbles too.

16 April 2005

from Girldude to Blogger

As you all know, I've been updating my blog in Girldude, which is my cousin's (i miss you Ate Ron!). However, I always want a new look for my blog, and Ate Ron always does the templates and whatnots, and I hate to bother her whenever I want a new one. So I decided to experiment in here, and ask some help from Charm (thanks sobra!). And now I have my own blog here. Yay!